The typical caricature of John Calvin is of a rigid, stoic, relentless tyrant, who taunted the unregenerate, reminding them of their reprobation and their inability to come to God. Not only is this caricature slanderous; it is also unfair and without historical warrant. This blog post will reveal a softer, more human side of John Calvin. A man who was not only was greatly influenced by his friends, but needed them and cherished them. Calvin’s latest biographer writes, “These relationships could be complicated and might have to weather many storms, but no one worked harder than Calvin to preserve them.” Really, John Calvin? Yep, this biographer is actually talking about the infamous Calvin. So, who are these friends? Who are the ones who stood by the great Frenchman? Martin Bucer Church history speaks highly of this primary mentor of John Calvin, who was 18 years his senior. The summary below helps explain his place in the Protestant Reformation of...
This blog exists to encourage readers to revisit and learn from the "men of old".