One of the most strange (and possibly disturbing) facets of Lewis’ life was his consistent commitment to a woman who is called, “Mrs. Moore”. A recent Lewis’ biographer sets the background, "Jack," as Lewis was known to his family, enlisted during the First World War while still a teenager. While undergoing training, he befriended a young man named Paddy Moore, who had a divorced mother (Mrs. Moore) and younger sister, Maureen, back at home. The young men promised each other that if one of them were to be killed in combat, the other would look after his friend's parent.” As providence would have it, Jack survived and made good on his promise…. a promise that would last for more than 30 years. To those who are unfamiliar with this feature of Lewis’ life, this commitment likely seems very noble and even ethical. Yet it was the degree of commitment and concurrent mystery surrounding this relationship that concerned many of Jack’s friends. Since Jac...
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