Throughout the next few weeks, this blog will examine certain “snapshots” of George Whitefield, which I hope will bring a deeper appreciation for this servant and a greater love for the God whom he gave his life to. Here is a snapshot of a unique meeting Whitefield had during his life: “Whitefield met with the Associate Presbytery as planned. He spoke of them as “A set of grave venerable men”. They immediately began to present their doctrine of church government and the Solemn League and Covenant, but he told them they might save themselves the trouble, for he had no scruples on the subject. He asked them what they would have him do, and the answer was that he was to preach only for them till he had further light. He asked why only for them. To which Ralph Erskine replied that “they were the Lord’s people.” He stated that he was “determined to go out into the highways and hedges; and that if the Pope himself would lend him his pulpit, he would gladly “proclaim the righteousness of...
This blog exists to encourage readers to revisit and learn from the "men of old".