Throughout the next few weeks, this blog will examine certain
“snapshots” of George Whitefield, which I hope will bring a deeper appreciation
for this servant and a greater love for the God whom he gave his life to.
Here is one of the snapshots:
This was all at the ripe age of 23.
So what can we learn from one of the “giants”?
Though the biographer does not give the exact reasons why
Whitefield brought food and medicine on the ship, it certainly provided future
opportunities for the gospel. It is unfortunate that many Christians who love
the gospel fail to the see that showing mercy and love to your common man is
part of living on mission (Matthew 5:16). Whitefield showed that he cared for
their whole person, spiritual and physical. This holistic approach to mission
shows a respect for man, who is still made in the image of God, though marred
by sin. Let us not fail to love and serve our common man because of a fear of
promoting a social gospel.
Here is one of the snapshots:
In 1738, George Whitefield stepped onto the Whitaker, employed as the chaplain of the ship, and eager to begin his journey. It was recorded that the young preacher declared to the staff (on the first day) that his intention was “to know nothing among them save Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. The zeal of the new chaplain was not well-received by the crew, who proceeded to ridicule their “religious leader”.
The living conditions on such a vessel were undoubtedly wretched. Whitefield had brought with him many tasty items of food and several medicines, and since there was much sickness among the passengers, he went among them every day dispensing of his supply and giving encouragement. Each morning and evening he read prayers on the open deck, although for the time being he did not attempt to preach, lest he deter the people from attending.
After four days however, he began a catechism class for the soldiers. Only six or seven were present on the first morning, but the number steadily increased until in a week’s time the attendance mounted to twenty, and he added to the study an exposition of the Lord’s Prayer. Then, finding this was accepted, he began to preach whenever he read prayers.
To these public efforts Whitefield added personal associations. He “breakfasted with some of the gentlemen” and reported an hour’s conversation with another “on our fall in Adam and the necessity of the new birth”. He walked at night on the deck in order to talk to the chief mate, and on another occasion stayed up till eleven at night “talking with the sailors in the steerage, reasoning with them about righteousness, temperance and judgment to come”.
Steadily gaining goodwill of all on board, Whitefield began a daily catechism for the women and soon added a Bible study. He also had James Habersham, a man he had brought with him, give instruction in elementary education for the children, and he invited any soldiers or sailors who wished to learn to read to attend.” (p. 34-36)
This was all at the ripe age of 23.
So what can we learn from one of the “giants”?
Whitefield understood the importance of building relationships.
It is good to remember that Whitefield didn’t just hold up a
sign or start passing out tracks, instead, he began to build relationships. His
great oratory abilities would soon give him a platform, but not before he
showed personal care. Here we see Whitefield apply Paul’s admonition to Timothy
where he states “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in
speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of
those who believe” (I Timothy 4:12).
Whitefield understood the importance of meeting human needs.

Whitefield was not only shrewd but bold.
From his claim of preaching Christ crucified to asking that
first group of soldiers to attend a catechism, Whitefield showed boldness.
Nothing is mentioned of his great faith, but we can assume it was there. The
mockery unleashed by these unregenerate sailors did not faze the young
preacher, probably because of his understanding of salvation, which he knew can
only be accomplished by the supernatural work of the Spirit. This understanding
should always produce a bold confidence for the Christian, since our job is to
pray and proclaim the good news. How simple is our mission! Yet how often we
neglect it!
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