No one catechized me growing up. If anyone or any
institution did, it is likely during my years in the para-church program,
A.W.A.N.A. (Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed). This program drove me to
memorize countless scriptures, which I did, but unfortunately I was not driven
by a love for His word, rather I was driven by a love for prizes and recognition.
Reflecting back on those years and now having children of my
own, I often ask myself, “Was that spiritually profitable at any level or did
it just feed my insatiable pride?”
Charles Hodge grew up, not in A.W.A.N.A or some other para-church
program, but being personally catechized by his pastor.
“Green’s (Charles’ childhood pastor) catechizing of his young charges in Philadelphia formed just a small part of his ministerial duties in Presbyterian confessional polity. His pastoral efforts reinforced in the congregation what the parents practiced at home in teaching the Shorter Catechism by systematically expounding its meaning from the pulpit. Upon successfully learning and repeating answer to the 107 questions, Charles and Hugh then attended a weekly Bible class taught by the pastor in his study.” (p. 35)
Part of me reads the above excerpt and sees the obvious
value in such training. But then I also remember how many “Christian” friends
wound up rejecting the local church, historic Christianity and some even the
existence of a deity. To be clear, these were individuals who were in the same
programs, memorized the same amount of scripture and/or went to the same
Christian school that I attended.
I guess the core issue is, “Does the instrument of catechism
help or just foster a false security of their salvation? Does
the ability to beat everyone in bible trivia (at 6 years old) mean anything if
that 6 year-old is trusting in his own “works-righteousness”, rather than the righteousness of Jesus Christ?
I believe it can be profitable, but the issue is whether the
gospel is seen and reinforced, not only by word, but mainly by deed (i.e. a
visual, gospel lifestyle at home). Children need to see that the answer to life
is WHO, not WHAT. If for one moment, my children believe that question #4 of
the Shorter Westminster Catechism is the answer, rather than the gospel, they
are being set up for failure.
Here are 5 things to remember if you are going to catechize
your children:
#1—Memorize a verse with a catechism question.
This helps the child see the authority is the word of God,
not some man-made list of questions and answers. The goal is to foster a love
for Christ and a love for His word. If their eyes have been opened by the Holy
Spirit, the child will grow up able to ‘give an account for the hope that is in
you’ (1 Pet. 3:15).
#2—Explain the reason for the catechism question and the
meaning of the corresponding memory verse.
There have been times I have been overcome by guilt when my
children can rattle off memory verses, but are clueless of their meaning and
its connection to the gospel. I ask myself, “How could I have been content with
rote memory, when my child’s heart seems unmoved by the beauty of God?” Now at
this point, parents must be careful. We are prone to either take too much responsibility for the spiritual
indifference of our children or too
much credit for it (i.e. being prideful if they seem to “get it”). It is
vital that parents remember that the actual acceptance of truth as what it is
(i.e. God’s inspired Word), can only happen through the work of the Holy
Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but
the Spirit who is from God, that we
might understand the things freely given us by God.
To be clear, this verse is not meant to relieve parents of
their responsibility of proper, consistent, gospel-driven instruction, but
simply to remind them to be “seed-planters” and then pray for God to cultivate a
large yield of spiritual fruit in the child’s heart.
#3—Interact with the current worldviews and philosophies of
the day.
At first glance, some parents may consider this integration
as unwise or even harmful to the spiritual development of their child. Isn’t
the goal to protect them from these worldviews and the secular, humanistic
philosophies of the day? Actually, the goal is to prepare them to live as
followers of Christ, which means they must be grounded with the proper
worldview and a zeal for the mission of ‘making disciples of all men’ (Matt.

#4—The most profitable times are often the informal moments, rather than formal.
This does not mean the formal moments should be neglected.
Rather, I would assert to you that consistent, realistic formal moments
lead to more productive informal moments.
Just as a reminder, God instructs parents to both formal and informal training.

#5—Make it
fun, not drudgery.
For those who
know me, I am not known as a “fun” guy or a “fun” dad. Even my children would
tell you that I am not “fun”, but I have “fun” moments.
So how do you
make this time enjoyable? Well, incentives always work. Furthermore, if done in
balance, you may get some quality father-child time out of it (i.e. ice cream,
candy run, etc.).
Galatians 1;15-16 . As for myself , I was "steeped" in catechism - I only realized my 'eyes' were blind when I "saw" Him. It was a time appointed when it pleased God to reveal His son in me ; that in itself is an ongoing process. I do agree with Timothy's grandmother , though , that from a child inoculating him (in the sacred scriptures).