This book is a collection of essays, focused on the Decalogue, its interpretations and devotional usage throughout the centuries. Many of the great Christian thinkers are examined such as, Calvin, Luther, Owen, Aquinas and Karl Barth. The book is edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman, who is the Associate Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies and Professor of Christian Ethics at Wheaton College and Timothy Larsen who functions as the Carolyn and Fred McManis Professor of Christian Thought at Wheaton College.
I will admit from the start that this type of book is
difficult to review. Each chapter interacts with a “giant” of the Christian thought
and boiling down his or her musings on the Decalogue is a challenging task for
each of the 14 contributors. Therefore, I am striving to highlight certain
chapters, which grabbed my attention for either positive or negative reasons. Please
forgive my trendy, categorical approach to this review.
The Most Interesting Chapter
To its credit, the book begins with a bang. Daniel Block
gives a wonderful introduction to the Decalogue and addresses some of the most
fundamental issues like, “Why are there ten commands and not five or seven?”, “Is
the Decalogue primarily a covenantal document or a recapitulation of moral law?”
and “Does the Ten Commands have a special place in the Pentateuch and/or the
Hebrew bible?” Block is not comprehensive with any of his answers, but sets a
stable foundation for the upcoming chapters.
Block’s most interesting observation is the debunking of the
traditional understanding of the two tablets. Tradition states that the Ten
were divided (in some way) on each tablet. Professor Block argues that the use
of “two” tablets were meant as a Near Eastern covenantal document and
therefore, each tablet contained the “Ten” and were kept as a visual covenant
between YHWH (one tablet) and Israel (one tablet).
The Most Biblical/Historical Chapters
Chapter two is titled The
Decalogue in the New Testament and the subsequent chapter is Early Syriac, Greek and Latin views of the
Decalogue. These two chapters will satisfy the cravings of both the Biblicist
and Church historian. Dr. Craig Evans does a complete job analyzing the multiple
NT texts that deal directly or indirectly with the Decalogue. He also deals
with specific individuals of the NT (John the Baptist, Jesus, James and Paul)
and their use of the Ten Commandments. In my opinion, his abbreviated summary/chart
on the Decalogue’s use in the NT is the most practical (and re-usable) part of
the chapter.
Dr. Alison G. Salvesen is a research lecturer at Oxford and
specializes in the areas of rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity. She shows
her researching prowess in her overview, which spans to the fifth century. This
chapter interacts with both common and obscure characters with her attention placed
firmly on the Patristics’ view of the authority of the Decalogue.
To this reviewer, Salvesen’s presentation of Justin Martyr
and Tertullian were both informative and captivating. She excavates from the writings
of Justin Martyr that he accepts the absorption view of the Decalogue, which
views Christ’s two commands (love God, love others) as absorbing the authority
and moral emphasis of the Ten Commandments.
Tertullian, according to Professor Salvesen, holds that the
Decalogue remains in force but is presently more stringent because Christ
expanded its commands. Yet the Latin Father’s dogmatism regarding the
communication of the Ten Commandments to Adam and Eve (whether embedded in
their conscience, verbalized or written is unclear) is fascinating and
The Most Pastoral/Homiletical Chapters
If the above category needs further definition, I am
referring to the applicational and homiletic aspects of the Decalogue. In
examining the decalogical musings of Martin Luther (Chpt. 6) and John Calvin
(Chpt. 7), the reader will clearly observe the pastoral sensitivity of both
Reformers. Timothy J. Wengert, who teaches at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia,
spends the majority of his chapter examining Luther’s shorter and larger catechism,
which discusses the practical ways to obey the Ten. Of all the essays, Wengert’s
is probably the most practical and therefore, the most pastoral.
Susan E. Schreiner, who is a historian at the University of
Chicago’s divinity school, provides the reader with a softer view of the
Reformer, who is often identified by the doctrine of predestination or the
burning of Michael Servetus. Dr. Schreiner’s essay focuses primarily on the
third purpose of the law (i.e. sanctification), which is seen through the lens
of Calvin’s Geneva, a unique bastion of church and state. One of Calvin’s
sermons on Deuteronomy 5:22 emphasized the completeness of the Decalogue and therefore,
encouraged his congregants to never add anything to the law, especially by the irresponsible
use of imagination. This intriguing application defined Calvin the preacher and
provides homiletic help to the pastors of the 21st century.
The Most Confusing Chapter
George Hunsinger, professor of systematic theology at
Princeton Theological Seminary, has the unfortunate task of presenting Karl
Barth’s view of the Decalogue (chpt. 12). I admit that this reviewer has always
been stumped by the dialectic method of Barth and his neo-orthodox/Christological
hermeneutic is both annoying and refreshing.
I was hoping Dr. Hunsinger would be a “Barth-whisperer” for
me, but he did little to defuse my bias towards the Swiss theologian. So unless
you are a fan of Barth and his works, this chapter will likely leave you bored
and perplexed.
The Most Unnecessary Chapter
I wanted to use the adjectives bias or political to
describe this category. Why? Because though I find Christina Rossetti fascinating
as an Anglican, as a women and even as a poet, I was convinced her inclusion in
these essays is not about her impact in Decalogical studies, rather it was that
she was a woman and possibly, a feminist.
Timothy Larsen, one of the editors of this book, spends many
pages forming a biological sketch of Rossetti, defending her approach to hermeneutics
and her lifelong decision to be celibate, rather the discussing the actual
influence (or lack of) she has made in
But the most disturbing element of the chapter is Larsen’s
relentless effort to exonerate Rossetti from the label of “feminist”. In one
breath, he asserts that Rossetti voted against the woman’s right to vote, but
then writes how “gleeful she is when the bible shares that the wife is the more
impressive of the pair”. Rossetti seems to have an unusual preoccupation with
Eve. Larsen says later,
“In a striking inversion of Victorian gender stereotypes, Rosetti reads this (the account of the Fall) as the woman being lead by her “mind” and the man by his “heart”.
Never mind that scripture says
Eve was deceived (2 Cor. 11:3) and theologically, there is no distinction
between the mind and the heart. The bottom line is Christina Rossetti is a charming
character, but she offers little clarity to the issues surrounding the Ten
The Most Impactful Chapter
Out of all of the authors, this reviewer was most familiar
with the works of Carl R. Trueman. Dr. Trueman is Professor of Historical
Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in
Philadelphia. His topic was John Owen and his views of the Decalogue.
There is one reason why this chapter was the most impactful:
Dr. Trueman strove to answer this question (from Owen’s theology), “If the Decalogue
is primary moral law, rather than covenantal law, what was the purpose for giving
the tablets on Mt. Sinai?” It is a monumental task of which Trueman (via Owen)
The answer? Dr. Owen believes that the delivery of the law
at Sinai was essentially a recapitulation of the covenant of works. For this
reviewer, who stands in the dispensational camp, this interpretation was original
and eye-opening. This is not to say I agree with the interpretation of Owen,
but it does provide a robust argument for the legitimacy of the covenant of
works, especially since it is assumed to be clearly understood by our first
parents (according to Covenant theologians), though the means of divine
communication continues to be an in-house debate.
As a resource in Decalogical studies, I judge this work to
be of reasonable help, primarily for those in academia or those who have a
taste for scholarly work. Unfortunately, most Christians and sadly, most
pastors will not take the time to excavate the “diamonds in the rough”. To be
honest, this resource would not be in my “top five”, though as a specialized
Decalogical study, I would place it in my “top ten”.
A hearty review indeed. While Barth might seem perplexing and annoying at least his chapter fall under the category of the most unnecessary! Thanks for the review I am intrigue to read the book.